Expiring Contracts – Get the Inside Track

FedBiz’5 Podcast | Episode 17: Expiring Contracts – Get the Inside Track

Expiring Contracts – Get the Inside Track Approximately 70% of expiring contracts are recompeted and research can give you the inside track by knowing who issued the award, who won the award, and for how much. In this episode of…
Meet the Team - Denise Eusini

Meet the Team at FedBiz Access | Denise Eusini

In this installment of "Meet the Team" we get to know GSA expert and flip flop fanatic, Denise Euisini. Name: Denise Eusini Position/Title: Sr GSA Contract Consultant Denise Eusini (definitely wearing flip flops in this picture) Time…
Market Intel – Your Roadmap to Success

FedBiz’5 Podcast | Episode 16: Market Intel – Your Roadmap to Success

Market Intel – Your Roadmap to Success Database allows contractors to find open solicitations, upcoming opportunities, expiring contracts, and hidden future opportunities that aren't visible to the public. In this episode of FedBiz’5…
Market Research: Identifying and Targeting Your Market in Government Contracting

Market Research: Identifying and Targeting Your Market in Government Contracting

Market research is just one of those tasks we might dread, but we must get used to it. It is pertinent to streamlining your process, whether you moonlight as a data analyst or depend on a partner to perform it - it is an essential part of a…
Podcast How to do Business with FEMA

FedBiz’5 Podcast | Episode 15: How to do Business with FEMA

FEMA seeks local companies within a disaster area for goods and services. In this episode of FedBiz’5 we are hosting Ashley Duwel, Government Contracting Senior Analyst, to discuss how to do business with the Federal Emergency Management…

Why Choose FedBiz Access?

When looking for assistance in government contracting, whether you are a startup or a well-established business, embarking into this space has its own unique challenges. Like any other marketing approach, the government contracting arena…
What Does the Infrastructure Bill Mean for Government Contractors?

What Does the Infrastructure Bill Mean for Government Contractors?

Have you heard the buzz already about the long-anticipated Infrastructure Bill that has recently passed? https://youtu.be/cryFp-IWlUQ Get your Free Government Market Snapshot If you have not had the time to sit down with the $1.2 Trillion,…
How Does FEMA Award Contracts?

How Does FEMA Award Contracts?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the government agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that deals with disaster and emergency management and is responsible for providing federal leadership and coordination for…
FedBiz Partners with Govology for FedBiz-U

FedBiz’5 | Episode 14: FedBiz Partners with Govology for FedBiz-U

FedBiz Partners with Govology for FedBiz-U New collaboration to provide FedBiz clients access to a library of on-demand video training courses and webinars for government contracting. In this episode of FedBiz’5 we are hosting…

Happy Holidays from all of us at FedBiz Access

Our team at FedBiz Access wishes you a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May this coming year bring you peace, joy, and prosperity! We would like to express our sincerest appreciation for the trust our clients have placed in us and…