The Art of Bidding: Lessons from War Dogs and the $53 Million Oversight

Winning the $300 million Afghan deal – War Dogs (2016)

Ever had that gut-wrenching feeling of leaving money on the table? If you’re in the government contracting business, you know that feeling all too well. And if you’ve seen the movie War Dogs, you’ve witnessed the cinematic representation of that very scenario.

In a particularly memorable scene from War Dogs, Efraim Diveroli (played by the ever-charismatic Jonah Hill) and David Packouz (a stellar performance by Miles Teller) find themselves in a bidding predicament. They’ve managed to “lowball the s*** out of their competitors,” but not in the triumphant way one might hope. Unbeknownst to them, they’ve undercut their competition so drastically that they’ve missed out on a whopping $53 million. Ouch. That’s not just a pinch; that’s a full-blown punch to the gut.

Now, while most of us might not be dealing in arms deals (and hopefully not getting into the kind of trouble these two did), the lesson is universal for all government contractors. Knowledge is power, and in the world of bidding, knowledge of your competitor’s pricing is golden.

Why Knowledge is the Ultimate Weapon in Bidding

The scene from War Dogs is more than just a Hollywood dramatization; it’s a cautionary tale that plays out daily in the real world of government contracting. Contractors, in their zeal to win bids, sometimes shoot themselves in the foot by not having the full picture. It’s like trying to play poker with your cards face up and wondering why you’re not winning.

The truth is, without the right tools and insights, you’re essentially bidding blind. And as our cinematic duo showed us, bidding blind can cost you. Big time.

Learn More about the Market Intel Database

Enter FedBiz Access’s Market Intel Database: The Game-Changer for Government Contractors

If only Diveroli and Packouz had the power of FedBiz Access’s Market Intel Database at their fingertips. This tool provides invaluable market insight into buyers and competitors, giving contractors the upper hand to clinch those coveted government awards.

With instant access to open opportunities, upcoming ones, and even those “hidden” future opportunities that remain elusive to the public eye, you’re always a step ahead. And with the ability to search by keywords, industry codes, or various filters, you can ensure that you’re viewing only the information and opportunities that are most relevant to you.

Imagine having over 800 federal, military, state, and local resources right at your disposal. That’s the power your subscription brings. It’s no wonder that Market Intel has been instrumental in assisting clients to secure billions of dollars in government contracts. Learn More

Don’t Be a War Dog, Be a Wise Dog

To all the government contractors out there, take a page out of the War Dogs playbook – but not in the way you might think. Learn from Diveroli and Packouz’s $53 million mistake. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to bid smartly and profitably.

Remember, in the world of government contracting, it’s not just about winning the bid; it’s about winning it right. So, the next time you’re about to place a bid, ask yourself: “Am I making a War Dogs move or a Wise Dog move?”

And if you ever need a reminder of the importance of smart bidding, just rewatch that scene. It’s a lesson worth $53 million.

Why Do Government Contractors Choose to Work with FedBiz Access?

FedBiz Access (“FedBiz”) has an experienced team that works with small businesses and takes the time to get to know your business and ask questions to ensure you have a solid contracting plan. FedBiz is a leading government contracting business development and marketing firm that provides engagement strategy coachingSAM & DSBS registrationset-aside certification registrationsGSA Schedules, proposal writing, and targeted market research.

FedBiz has over 22 years of experience working with thousands of companies worldwide to help them win over $35.7 billion in awards. From registration to award, FedBiz helps businesses succeed in the government marketplace.

Your Government Registration Level (“GRL”) is your roadmap from registration to award.