Tag Archive for: Fedbiz5 Podcast

FedBiz’5 | Episode 9: Buyer Engagement – Be Prepared? Part 2
Buyer Engagement – Be Prepared?
Welcome to our podcast - FedBiz’5, where you get informed, get connected and get results. In our last episode we discussed what is an Engagement Strategy? (Listen to Previous Episode)
In this…

FedBiz’5 | Episode 8: What is an Engagement Strategy? Part 1
What is an Engagement Strategy? Part 1
Welcome to our podcast FedBiz’5, where you get informed, get connected and get results. In our last episode we discussed what goes into a Capability Statement.
In this episode we are discussing…

FedBiz’5 | Episode 7: What is a Capability Statement?
What is a Capability Statement?
Welcome to our podcast FedBiz 5, where you get informed, get connected and get results. In our last episode we discussed, “DSBS Incomplete – Don’t get excluded from government contracting for…

FEDBIZ’5 | EPISODE 5: What is the importance of my DSBS?
What is the importance of my DSBS?
Welcome to our podcast FedBiz 5, where you get informed, get connected and get results. In our last episode we discussed, “What are PSC Codes?” – Product and Service Codes. In this episode…

FEDBIZ’5 | EPISODE 4: What are PSC Codes?
What are PSC Codes?
Welcome to our podcast FedBiz 5, where you get informed, get connected and get results. In our last episode we discussed, “What are NAICS Codes?” – the North American Industry Classification Codes. In…

FEDBIZ’5 | EPISODE 3: What are NAICS Codes, the North American Industry Classification System codes?
What are NAICS Codes, the North American Industry Classification System codes?
Welcome to our podcast FedBiz 5, where you get informed, get connected and get results. In our last episode we discussed, “What is SAM?” – The System…