September Spending Is Coming: How Can Government Contractors Prepare?

Government Contracting September Spending

As summer draws to a close and the air begins to cool, another season is upon us: the federal government’s fiscal year-end, known as the September Spending Spree. For those in the know, September isn’t just about back-to-school sales and the anticipation of fall festivities. It’s the most critical month for government contractors—a time when federal agencies rush to spend the remainder of their annual budgets before the fiscal year ends on September 30th.

This phenomenon, often referred to as “use-it-or-lose-it” spending, presents a unique opportunity for government contractors. But to take full advantage of this spending surge, it’s crucial to understand how it works and how to position your business for success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what September Spending means for contractors and how you can prepare to secure more awards during this lucrative period.

Every year, federal agencies are allocated a budget for discretionary spending. This budget must be obligated by the end of the fiscal year, or the unspent funds are returned to the Treasury. This “use-it-or-lose-it” mandate is designed to prevent waste and encourage agencies to spend their allocated funds wisely throughout the year. However, it also creates a frenzied rush to obligate funds before the fiscal year ends, particularly in September.

In the early months of the fiscal year, agencies often spend cautiously, unsure of future needs or potential emergencies. But as the fiscal year-end approaches, they become more confident in their remaining budget and the need to spend it. The result? A significant increase in government spending during September as agencies scramble to purchase goods and services, award contracts, and meet their fiscal obligations.

For government contractors, this surge in spending represents a golden opportunity. Contracts that may have been delayed or put on hold earlier in the year suddenly become top priorities. Government buyers are eager to award contracts quickly, often favoring contractors they already know and trust. This makes it a critical time for businesses to be visible, compliant, and ready to engage.

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To capitalize on September Spending, contractors need to be proactive. Here are some key steps to ensure you’re ready to seize the opportunities that come with the fiscal year-end rush:

1. Ensure Your Registrations Are Current and Compliant

First and foremost, make sure your business is fully registered and compliant with all necessary government databases, such as the System for Award Management (SAM). Outdated or incomplete registrations can cause significant delays in the contracting process, potentially costing you valuable opportunities during the September Spending spree.

Additionally, ensure that your business is properly classified with the appropriate NAICS codes and socio-economic certifications (e.g., small business, minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned). These classifications can make your business eligible for set-aside contracts, which are often awarded quickly during the fiscal year-end rush.

FedBiz Access offers a comprehensive Registration & Optimization and Certification Services that ensures your business is fully compliant and accurately represented in all necessary government databases. With FedBiz Access handling the complexities of registration, you can focus on what you do best—running your business and preparing for new opportunities.

2. Update and Optimize Your Capability Statement

Your Capability Statement is your business’s resume for government contracting. It provides government buyers with a snapshot of your company’s qualifications, experience, and capabilities. A well-crafted Capability Statement is essential for making a strong first impression and positioning your business as a reliable partner for government agencies.

Given the competitive nature of September Spending, now is the time to review and update your Capability Statement. Make sure it highlights your most recent projects, showcases your unique capabilities, and includes relevant keywords that government buyers might use when searching for contractors.

FedBiz Access’s Capability Statement Design Service can help you create a professional and compelling Capability Statement that stands out in a crowded marketplace. Our design team specializes in crafting Capability Statements that are not only visually appealing but also aligned with the preferences of government buyers. Our exclusive Company Snapshot Video really makes your statement stand out.

3. Build and Strengthen Relationships with Government Buyers

In government contracting, relationships are everything. Government buyers are more likely to award contracts to businesses they know and trust, particularly during the September Spending rush when time is of the essence. That’s why it’s essential to focus on building and strengthening relationships with key decision-makers in your target agencies.

Start by identifying the agencies that are most likely to need your products or services. Research their past spending patterns, current priorities, and upcoming projects. Once you’ve identified your target agencies, reach out to the appropriate contracting officers and decision-makers. Introduce your business, share your updated Capability Statement, and let them know you’re ready to assist with any immediate needs.

FedBiz Access can support your relationship-building efforts through our targeted outreach services such as Federal Connections and MatchMaker, which are designed to help you connect with the right people at the right time. Our team works with you to develop a personalized strategy that ensures your business stays top of mind when government buyers are looking to obligate funds quickly.

4. Engage in Targeted Marketing and Outreach

September Spending is all about timing. Government buyers need to obligate funds quickly, which means they’re often looking for contractors who can deliver on short notice. To be top of mind when these opportunities arise, you need to engage in targeted marketing and outreach.

FedBiz Access’s Direct Marketing Service can help you craft and execute a targeted outreach campaign tailored to your business’s strengths and the needs of government buyers. Our team works with you to develop a personalized strategy that ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time.

5. Monitor and Respond to Solicitations Quickly

During September Spending, time is of the essence. Government agencies are often working under tight deadlines, and they may post solicitations with short response windows. To maximize your chances of securing contracts, you need to monitor relevant opportunities closely and respond quickly.

Consider using a service like FedBiz Access’s Market Intel Database with Opportunity Alerts, which notifies you of new solicitations that match your business’s capabilities. These alerts allow you to stay on top of new opportunities and ensure you never miss a chance to submit a proposal.

In addition to monitoring solicitations, be prepared to move quickly when you find an opportunity that aligns with your business’s capabilities. Have your proposal templates, pricing strategies, and compliance documents ready to go, so you can submit a complete and compelling proposal on short notice.

Preparing for September Spending can be a daunting task, especially for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have the resources to manage the process on their own. That’s where FedBiz Access comes in.

With over 23 years of experience helping businesses succeed in the government marketplace, FedBiz Access has the expertise and tools you need to make the most of the fiscal year-end rush. From ensuring your registrations and certifications are up to date, to enhancing your visibility and executing targeted marketing campaigns, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to help you secure more awards during September Spending and beyond.

Our track record speaks for itself: over the years, we’ve helped our clients secure more than $35.4 billion in government awards. Whether you’re a seasoned government contractor or new to the market, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

As the government’s fiscal year-end approaches, there’s no better time to ensure your business is prepared for the September Spending spree. Whether you need help with registrations, certifications, Capability Statement design, targeted marketing, or anything in between, FedBiz Access is here to assist.

Contact us today or schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our FedBiz Specialists. We’ll take the time to understand your business, assess your current position in the government marketplace, and develop a customized strategy to help you secure more awards during this critical time.

Don’t miss out on the opportunities that September Spending brings—partner with FedBiz Access and position your business for success in the government marketplace.

By following these steps and leveraging the expertise of FedBiz Access, you can navigate the complexities of September Spending with confidence. The government marketplace is full of opportunities, especially during the fiscal year-end rush. With the right preparation and strategy, your business can secure the contracts it needs to thrive.