🎄 It’s Christmas in July: Boost Your GovCon Success with 15% Off Marketing!

Christmas in July
FedBiz Access Marketing

It’s Christmas in July… are you ready?

As we step into July, we also step into the 4th Quarter of the federal government’s fiscal year, a period that traditionally sees a surge in government spending.

This is the time when the phrase “use-it-or-lose-it spending” comes to life, as federal agencies race against the clock to utilize their remaining budget funding before the fiscal year ends on September 30th.

For businesses looking to expand their government contracting portfolio, this period presents a golden opportunity. With Q4 spending for FYE2024 expected to surpass $240 Billion, the potential to boost your revenues is immense.

Bottom line, now is the time to get in front of the right Government Buyers, and our Federal Connections Package (FCP) and MatchMaker services are the solutions you need.

MatchMaker: Your Key to Winning Contracts

  • Total Market Visibility: Connect with the right buyers from our proprietary database, supported by government engagement coaching for effective communication and relationship building.
  • Award Opportunities & Strategic Reviews: Monthly expert consultations to align your business with the best government award opportunities.
  • Customized Weekly Opportunities List: Receive a tailored weekly email list of open solicitations, RFPs, and RFIs based on your industry and keywords.

Federal Connections Package: Get Connected to the Right Buyers

Your Total Visibility Strategy:

  • Target: We identify buyers through our proprietary database who have purchased products and services in your primary NAICS code, providing you with their contact information.
  • Email: We introduce you to targeted buyers with a personalized introductory email highlighting your capabilities.
  • Call: Benefit from federal buyer engagement coaching and call scripts, with a follow-up strategy to confidently connect with your targets.
  • Connect: Establish your brand and reputation with federal buyers, becoming a key part of their buying decision process.

Don’t miss this limited-time offer to maximize your government contracting success. Get started today and make this Q4 your most profitable yet!

Start Marketing! Call: (888) 299-4498
Quote Promo Code: JULY24

MatchMaker Service
Federal Connections Package