Tag Archive for: FedBiz Find

Marketing Your Small Business to Government Buyers
Navigating the labyrinthine world of government procurement can feel daunting for many small businesses. The red tape, the competition, the sheer scale of operations – it's enough to make even the most seasoned entrepreneur feel overwhelmed.…

FedBiz’5 Podcast | Episode 32: Find Targeted Buyers
FedBiz Find Provides Access to Award History and Targeted Points of Contact
Did you know the majority of federal contracts are repeat orders? In fact, approximately 90% of service contracts expire within 2-3 years but are renewable.

Find and Win Government Awards
FedBiz Find Provides Access to Award History and Targeted Points of Contact
Do you know the majority of federal contracts are repeat orders? In fact, approximately 90% of service contracts expire within 2-3 years but are renewable.