Meet the Team at FedBiz Access | Frank Krebs
Today we meet Frank Krebs, a highly experienced Government Contracting professional and aspiring writer with only one thing in common with Tom Hanks.
Name: Frank Krebs
Position/Title: Government Contracting Specialist
Time at FedBiz Access: 1 Year

Experience: I have spent over 30 years in government contracting. I worked for the U.S. Department of Education for 20 years as a Program Manager & Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative where I developed, evaluated, and had management oversight on numerous large-scale contracts for computer systems operations and maintenance, call centers, check processing, mail operations and private collection agencies. After my government career, I worked in the private sector for 12 years managing government contracts for systems operations and call centers for General Dynamics, Raytheon, Xerox and Affiliated Computer Systems. I am now able to draw upon my past experiences, as I work to assist businesses to achieve their government contracting goals.
What you enjoy most about working at FedBiz? The people. We have an incredible team of dedicated and knowledgeable people who work very well together. Being a part of the FedBiz family is the best work experience I have enjoyed in my career which spans well over 30 years, as our team takes great pride in assisting our clients but also cares about each team member. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries along with our accomplishments and the management really makes this a place where you really want to come to work.
What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? That’s easy…it’s ME, every time I open the door to get something.
What are three things still left on your bucket list? Having removed going to a Super Bowl which I did in 2021 from the top of my list, it now includes:
- Taking an Alaskan Land/Sea Cruise Vacation
- Taking a golf vacation to Ireland
- Write and have a book published
Got any favorite quotes? Yes, “There’s no crying in baseball.” It’s my favorite quote, as it applies to many aspects of life. It means that while things or times may be tough, there is no time to stop and dwell on it. You must pick yourself up and get right back in there or back at it!