Introducing Sammy Eagleton: The (Unlikely) Hero We Never Knew We Needed

Sammy Eagleton of FedBiz Access - Meet the Team

There are times in life when you meet someone—or, in this case, some thing—and immediately realize you’ve been missing out. Enter Sammy Eagleton, our new mascot here at FedBiz Access. Sure, we’ve had a perfectly good eagle logo for years—majestic, dignified, etc.—but let’s be honest, that logo never wore a suit, or quite frankly, pants. That’s where Sammy comes in.

As you can see, Sammy isn’t your average bald eagle. No, he’s more like if Uncle Sam and the embodiment of federal contracting expertise merged into one strapping bird of prey. Standing tall (well, about 4 feet tall, give or take), Sammy’s decked out in red, white, and blue, ready to take your business to new heights—preferably without any turbulent government paperwork slowing you down.

You’ve probably noticed the Bald Eagle hanging out in our logo for quite some time. And why not? The eagle is the ultimate symbol of freedom, strength, and everything that screams “America.” But more than that, eagles are known for their ability to fly high and see things from miles away—which, coincidentally, is exactly how we approach helping our clients. Majestic creatures? Sure. Buff and proud? Absolutely. And who wouldn’t want their business to be associated with that?

Much like our fine-feathered friend, we take a bird’s-eye view of the government contracting landscape to help businesses soar to new altitudes (without the risk of getting caught in red tape). We provide the lift; you enjoy the view.

Sammy Eagleton…Flying High, Buff, and Proud

Now, let’s address the photo you’re staring at. That’s Sammy Eagleton with his family at the FedBiz Access headquarters—because even eagles need a solid work-life balance. His wife, Sally, is all business, looking sharp in a tailored suit, while the eaglets are still deciding whether they’ll follow in Dad’s wing-flaps or start their own start-up in a trendy nest downtown.

Their presence here? Symbolic, of course. The Eagleton family represents the family-like bond we create with our clients. (No, we won’t be inviting you to Thanksgiving, but you get the idea.) We’re in this together, navigating government contracts as a unified flock—no one left behind, and no nest egg wasted.

But back to Sammy. He’s more than just a snappy dresser. Sammy Eagleton represents what FedBiz Access stands for: taking your business and giving it the wings it needs to succeed in the government marketplace. Like the eagle, we’ve got keen insight and sharp focus (minus the talons), and we know how to navigate complex skies with ease.

Our services—from market research to registrations, capability statements, and direct marketing—are designed to help your business achieve greatness, all while ensuring you don’t get bogged down by government jargon. Think of us as your air traffic controllers, guiding you to safe (and profitable) landings.

While we won’t be sending Sammy to knock on your door personally (we don’t think the neighbors would appreciate that), his spirit will be there every time you engage with FedBiz Access. We’re here to help you fly higher than you thought possible—without the turbulence.

So, welcome Sammy to the team. With him on board, the skies are looking clearer, and your path to government contracting success has never looked better. Schedule a complimentary consultation today!

There you have it. A mascot. A mission. And one very sharply dressed eagle.