How Successful Government Contractors Got Started

How Successful Government Contractors Got Started

Starting a business in the government contracting sector can seem like an insurmountable challenge. The federal marketplace is vast, complex, and highly competitive. However, many successful government contractors today began their journey with small, manageable contracts, gradually building their past performance and credibility. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how these businesses started, the strategies they employed, and the agencies that facilitated their growth. By the end, you’ll understand the importance of starting small and leveraging Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) to create a strong foundation for a thriving government contracting business.

Founders of successful government contracting businesses often share a common trait: they started small. These businesses might now be securing tens of millions in government awards, but their initial contracts were typically less than $250,000. These early contracts fall under SAP, designed to streamline smaller purchases of goods and services, making it easier for new entrants to get a foothold in the market.

Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP)

Simplified Acquisition Procedures are a critical tool for new government contractors. These procedures allow contracting officers to expedite the procurement process for smaller contracts, which usually have lower operational complexity. For new contractors, SAP contracts are an excellent opportunity to establish relationships with Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) and other key personnel within the government.

SAP contracts are a particularly good fit for businesses selling Information Technology (IT) services. Agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), and the Air Force are known leaders in awarding SAP contracts. These opportunities are readily available on the System for Award Management ( and typically do not require extensive pre-bid efforts or “shaping.”

Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)

The Federal Acquisition Service is a prime example of an agency that supports new government contractors. With over $52 million obligated across various contracts, FAS provides a robust platform for businesses to start small and grow. Many contractors who began with FAS have used their initial successes to secure larger, more complex contracts.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

The FAA is another agency that offers significant opportunities for new contractors. With nearly $42 million obligated, the FAA’s contracts often focus on IT and related services. Companies that start with the FAA can build a strong portfolio, demonstrating their capabilities and reliability in delivering critical services.

U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)

USSOCOM is known for its specialized needs and significant budget allocations, with over $28 million obligated. Starting with smaller contracts from USSOCOM can provide contractors with unique opportunities to work on high-profile projects, enhancing their credibility and experience.

Department of the Air Force

The Air Force, with over $25 million obligated, is a major player in government contracting. New contractors who secure small contracts with the Air Force can leverage these wins to build a solid track record, opening doors to more substantial and strategic opportunities within the military sector.

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Building Past Performance

One of the most critical aspects of succeeding in government contracting is building a solid past performance record. This involves consistently delivering high-quality services and products, meeting deadlines, and maintaining effective communication with government clients. Small SAP contracts provide an excellent starting point for this, as they allow contractors to demonstrate their capabilities on a manageable scale.

Networking and Relationship Building

Establishing strong relationships with CORs and other key government personnel is essential. Networking within the industry, attending government contracting events, and engaging in professional organizations can help contractors build valuable connections that can lead to new opportunities and partnerships.

Leveraging Market Research

Understanding the needs and priorities of various government agencies is crucial for identifying the right opportunities. Contractors should invest time in market research, utilizing resources like and Many FedBiz Access clients prefer to use the Market Intel Database for market research due to its simplicity and the ability to quickly locate relevant opportunities, even before they hit

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The government contracting landscape is constantly evolving, with new regulations, technologies, and priorities emerging regularly. Successful contractors stay ahead of the curve by continuously learning and adapting their strategies. This might involve investing in training, adopting new technologies, or refining their service offerings to meet changing demands.

While the journey to becoming a successful government contractor is rewarding, it is not without its challenges. Here are some common pitfalls and strategies to overcome them:

Navigating Bureaucracy

Government contracting involves navigating a significant amount of bureaucracy and red tape. Contractors must be prepared to deal with extensive paperwork, compliance requirements, and sometimes slow decision-making processes. Having a dedicated team or partnering with a consultancy specializing in government contracts can help manage these challenges effectively.

Managing Cash Flow

Government contracts, especially larger ones, can have long payment cycles, which can strain a contractor’s cash flow. It is essential to have a robust financial management plan in place, including securing lines of credit or working with financial institutions that understand government contracting dynamics.

Staying Compliant

Compliance with federal regulations is non-negotiable in government contracting. Contractors must stay up-to-date with the latest requirements and ensure their operations align with these standards. Regular audits, training, and consulting with legal experts can help maintain compliance.

For over 23 years, FedBiz Access has been the leading government business development firm assisting small businesses in navigating the complexities of the government marketplace. Our clients have been awarded over $34 billion in contracts, thanks to our comprehensive suite of services, including:

If you’re ready to take the next step in your government contracting journey, schedule a complimentary consultation with a FedBiz Specialist today. Let us help you turn your small contracts into major successes and build a thriving government contracting business.

Starting small in government contracting is not just a viable strategy; it’s often the best path to long-term success. By leveraging simplified acquisition procedures, building a solid past performance record, and continuously adapting to the evolving landscape, businesses can position themselves for significant growth and opportunities. With the right support and resources, like those provided by FedBiz Access, the journey from small contracts to major government awards is within reach. Embrace the challenge and start your government contracting success story today.

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