
An Update on Government Contracting Trends in 2024

August 2024 Government Contracting Trends

As we approach the final quarter of 2024, the government contracting landscape is more dynamic than ever. Federal agencies are gearing up for the end-of-year spending spree, which is expected to be particularly vigorous this year. This period always presents significant opportunities for contractors, especially those who are well-prepared to navigate the unique challenges and capitalize on the emerging trends shaping the industry. In this comprehensive update, we’ll explore the most critical trends in government contracting as we close out the fiscal year, offering insights that can help businesses strategically position themselves for success.

The fiscal environment for government contracting in 2024 has been shaped by a combination of record funding levels, inflationary pressures, and the federal government’s response to ongoing global challenges. This surge is largely driven by sustained increases in defense spending, health care initiatives, and infrastructure projects.

For contractors, this means there is a significant amount of money in play, especially as agencies rush to obligate their budgets before the fiscal year ends. However, it’s crucial to note that this increase in spending is also accompanied by heightened scrutiny. Contractors must ensure they comply with more stringent reporting requirements and demonstrate clear value for the federal dollars they receive.

Two technological trends are at the forefront of government contracting in 2024: artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. The federal government has placed a strong emphasis on AI, recognizing its potential to enhance efficiency across various agencies. AI is being leveraged to streamline bureaucratic processes in agencies like the Social Security Administration and the Department of Education, and contractors who can offer AI solutions are in high demand.

Cybersecurity remains a critical focus, especially given the increase in cyber threats targeting government infrastructure. Contractors are expected to not only deliver secure solutions but also to adopt best practices that protect their systems from cyberattacks. This has led to an increased demand for cybersecurity services, with contractors who specialize in this area seeing substantial growth opportunities.

The current administration has continued to emphasize the importance of small business participation in government contracting. The focus on small businesses is evident in policies that aim to level the playing field by reducing barriers to entry and providing more opportunities for these firms to compete for contracts. This trend is supported by recent changes to the Small Business Administration (SBA) guidelines and increased set-aside programs for small businesses, particularly in underserved communities.

Small businesses looking to enter the government contracting space should be aware of these opportunities and ensure they are properly certified and registered to take advantage of them. Partnering with larger firms through subcontracting arrangements can also be a strategic way for small businesses to get a foot in the door.

The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has introduced several provisions that impact government contracting, particularly in the defense sector. One of the key aspects of the NDAA is its emphasis on expediting the Department of Defense’s (DoD) procurement processes. This change is designed to address supply chain disruptions and ensure that the military can quickly access the goods and services it needs.

For contractors, this means that there may be more opportunities to secure contracts with shorter lead times, but it also requires a heightened level of preparedness. Companies must be ready to move quickly, with the necessary resources and capabilities in place to meet the accelerated timelines mandated by the DoD.

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The labor market remains a significant challenge for government contractors in 2024. Unemployment rates are low, particularly for college-educated workers, leading to intense competition for skilled labor. This is especially true for positions in professional, scientific, and technical services, as well as computer system design—areas that are crucial for many government contracts.

Contractors are finding it increasingly difficult to fill these roles, which often require specialized skills and security clearances. To address this issue, some companies are investing in training and development programs to build their workforce from within. Additionally, offering competitive salaries and benefits, as well as flexible work arrangements, can help attract top talent in this tight labor market.

The shift to remote work, which began during the pandemic, continues to influence government contracting. Many federal agencies have adopted permanent remote or hybrid work models, and government contractors have followed suit. This has led to a significant decrease in demand for office space, particularly in the Washington, DC Metro area, where many government contractors are based.

For contractors, the remote work trend offers both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, it allows for greater flexibility and can reduce overhead costs associated with maintaining physical office spaces. On the other hand, it requires robust technology infrastructure to support remote operations and ensure secure communication and data sharing.

Inflation and rising interest rates have been major concerns throughout 2024, affecting both the costs of doing business and the availability of capital. Government contractors, particularly those in construction and manufacturing, have seen their costs increase significantly due to rising prices for materials and labor. This has made it more challenging to stay competitive on pricing while maintaining profitability.

To mitigate these challenges, contractors are exploring various strategies, such as locking in prices through long-term contracts, seeking cost-sharing agreements with suppliers, and leveraging technology to improve efficiency. Additionally, some contractors are passing on higher costs to the government through contract modifications, although this requires careful negotiation and justification.

Sustainability has become an increasingly important factor in government contracting. Federal agencies are under pressure to meet sustainability goals, such as reducing carbon emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy. As a result, contractors who can offer green solutions are finding themselves in high demand.

This trend is particularly evident in areas like infrastructure development, where there is a push for projects that are not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. Contractors who can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability through certifications, such as LEED or Energy Star, may have a competitive advantage in bidding for contracts.

As the federal fiscal year comes to a close on September 30th, agencies are under pressure to spend their remaining budgets, leading to a surge in contracting activity. This period, often referred to as the “spending spree,” presents a golden opportunity for contractors to secure last-minute contracts.

To capitalize on this surge, contractors should ensure they are fully compliant with all federal regulations and have their proposals ready to go. It’s also important to stay in close communication with agency procurement officers to understand their needs and how your company can meet them.

Navigating the complex world of government contracting requires expertise, resources, and a strategic approach. That’s where FedBiz Access comes in. With over 23 years of experience, we have helped businesses of all sizes secure more than $35 billion in government contracts. Our comprehensive suite of services includes everything from market research and capability statement design to direct marketing and government business landing page design.

If you’re looking to take advantage of the trends shaping government contracting in 2024, now is the time to act. Schedule a complimentary consultation with a FedBiz Specialist today and let us help you position your business for success in the government marketplace.


2024 has proven to be a year of both challenges and opportunities for government contractors. By staying informed about the latest trends, such as the focus on AI and cybersecurity, the emphasis on small businesses, and the impact of inflation, contractors can strategically navigate the landscape and position themselves for success. As the fiscal year draws to a close, the opportunities for securing government contracts are vast, but they require preparation, agility, and a deep understanding of the evolving marketplace.

For contractors ready to seize these opportunities, FedBiz Access is here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your share of the billions in government contracts available. Reach out today and let us help you win more awards and grow your business in the federal marketplace.