Meet the Team at FedBiz Access | Ryan Sherr
Today we meet me, Ryan Sherr, a marketing and design aficionado that would love to take Yoda fishing. 🎣
Name: Ryan Sherr
Position/Title: Marketing Director

Time at FedBiz Access: 3-Years
Experience: I’ve worked in marketing and design for over 15 years. Specializing in brand awareness and modern marketing methods, I am also educated in graphic design and building websites. Over the last 3 years here at FedBiz Access I’ve worked closely with our contracting specialists who have graciously tutored me on the intricacies of selling to the government. I’ve been able to combine that knowledge with my field of expertise to help FedBiz Access continue their path and position as the leading government contracting consultant for small businesses.
What you enjoy most about working at FedBiz: The people. We have a knowledgeable group here that take a lot of pride in assisting our clients in achieving success in the government marketplace. What really sets our group apart is the family atmosphere. My birthday is this weekend, and I was greeted in my office this morning by a floor completely covered in balloons and happy birthday decor wall-to-wall, with a pastrami on rye sandwich from a local kosher deli on the way. How awesome is that?
Where is your favorite place to be? On a skiff in a mangrove forest near the Gulf of Mexico with fishing rod in hand. That’s my bliss.
What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had? At 19 I was lived in Dallas Texas for a stint. I took a job at the Foster Grant sunglasses factory putting together the sunglasses racks you see in retail stores. Not sure if that’s weird?
Any favorite line from a movie? Try? There is no try — only do!
Tell us something that might surprise us about you. I played bass in various bands throughout high school and shortly after. One of the bands I played in, Change Within, once opened up for Biohazard, a big hardcore metal band in the early 90’s. Rock on! 🤘🏽