GSA Schedule – Become a Preferred Vendor

What is a GSA Schedule?

If you’re a business owner looking to sell your products or services to the government, getting a GSA Schedule is a crucial step. A GSA Schedule is a 5-Year Contract (renewable up to 3x’s) that allows government agencies to purchase products and services from your company at set prices and terms. However, the process of getting a GSA Schedule can be complicated and time-consuming.

FedBiz Access (“FedBiz”) specializes in helping businesses obtain GSA Schedules and navigate the registration and negotiations. With their help, you can simplify the process and increase your chances of success. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

The first step in getting a GSA Schedule is determining whether or not your business is eligible. FedBiz can help you with this process by reviewing your business’s capabilities, experience, and financials. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you are ready to move on to the next step.

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Step 2: Choose the Right SIN(s)

The GSA Schedule, also known as the Multiple Award Schedule (“MAS”), is broken down into twelve (12) large categories, eighty-three (83) subcategories, and further into hundreds of Special Item Numbers (“SINs”) that typically correspond to your NAICS Codes, each covering a specific set of products or services. FedBiz can help you choose the right SINs for your GSA Schedule based on your business.

Step 3: Gather Required Documents and Data

Once you’ve determined your eligibility and chosen the right SINs, it’s time to complete the documentation and data Collection. This can be a complex process, but FedBiz will guide you through it step-by-step. We’ll help you gather all the necessary documents, fill out the required forms, and ensure that your application is complete and accurate.

Step 4: Submit Your Application

Once all required documents/data are collected and reviewed, it is uploaded and submitted through the General Services Administration (“GSA”) eOffer portal. FedBiz works with you to ensure that all documentation and data entered into the eOffer portal is accurate and meets all requirements for the chosen SIN(s).

Step 5: Clarification(s)

After you submit your application, it will be assigned to a Contracting Officer that will review all documents/data submitted and request clarification of any questions or issues, and to correct any errors or inconsistencies they may find in the contact offer. FedBiz works with you to ensure that all clarification requests are completed promptly and correctly.

Step 6: Negotiate Your Contract

After you submit your application and go through clarification of your documentation, you need to negotiate your contract pricing and terms directly with the GSA. FedBiz works with you to ensure that your contract pricing and terms meet your needs, but also offers the government the best deal possible for your goods and services.

Step 7: Maintain Your GSA Schedule

Once you’ve obtained your GSA Schedule, you’ll need to maintain it. This includes submitting regular reports, updating your pricing, terms, and images of your products, and ensuring that you are meeting all of the government’s requirements as requested. The government periodically requires modifications to your contract, that must be implemented on a timely basis. FedBiz offers its Contract Management services to help you with this process, ensuring that you stay in compliance and that your GSA Schedule remains valid.

In conclusion, getting a GSA Schedule is a complex process that requires a lot of time and effort. However, with the help of the professionals at FedBiz, you can simplify the process and increase your chances of success. If you are interested in obtaining a GSA Schedule for your business, consider working with FedBiz. They will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring that you are set up for long-term success.

Interested in getting on a GSA Schedule?