
AI Accelerates Speed to Contract for DoD

AI Accelerates Speed to Contract for DoD

The Department of Defense (“DoD”) is using artificial intelligence (“AI”) to help accelerate workflows to get emerging technologies into the hands of the warfighters more quickly. The goal of ‘Speed to Contract’ is to go from problem statement to industry proposal, to award and shorten the acquisition timeframe to the field of service.

To address this, the DoD has created a new tool called “Acqbot” to help write contracts more quickly using artificial AI. It’s part of a larger project called Tradewind, led by the Pentagon’s Chief Digital and AI Office. The goal is to use AI to speed up the process of acquiring new technology for the military.

Acqbot is a prototype that uses AI to generate text for contracts. It’s similar to a tool called ChatGPT by OpenAI, which can generate text responses based on an algorithm known as a large language learning model. The tool helps with creating problem statements and generating the initial contract, but there’s still a person involved in the workflow while the technology is still in development.

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Speed to Contract is crucial for the DoD:

  • To acquire necessary technology and resources quickly to support military operations and readiness.
  • To swiftly respond to emerging threats and adapt to rapidly changing security challenges, ensuring a strong defense strategy.
  • To streamline bureaucratic procedures and reduce administrative delays through faster contract execution, resulting in cost savings and more efficient resource allocation.
  • To facilitate collaboration with industry partners, fostering innovation and leveraging advancements in technology for defense purposes.
  • To meet critical deadlines, such as responding to urgent needs during emergencies or providing support for time-sensitive missions.

Currently the DoD is training Acqbot to create problem statements based on descriptive inputs and needs requirements and use AI to generate the contract. The goal is to expand the implementation and make it a lasting solution to improve national security.

As this technology develops, contracting officials across all federal agencies are eager for AI tools that can save them time and help them focus on their mission. AI tools are also being introduced to make market research easier for government contracts. These tools help contacting officials find contractors faster, gain useful information, and speed up the procurement process, saving time and improving efficiency in government contracting.

Small businesses seeking to enter government contracting should focus on avenues for recognition so that AI tools can more easily identify their business and capabilities. Internet presence becomes a key with a professional website and social media presence, including a capability statement and government landing page.

FedBiz Access (“FedBiz”) has an experienced team that works with small businesses and takes the time to get to know your business and ask questions to ensure you have a solid contracting plan. FedBiz is a leading government contracting business development and marketing firm that provides  engagement strategy coachingSAM & DSBS registrationset-aside certification registrationsGSA Schedules, and targeted market research.

FedBiz has over 22 years of experience working with thousands of companies worldwide to help them win over $35.7 billion in awards. From registration to award, FedBiz helps businesses succeed in the government marketplace.

Your Government Registration Level (“GRL”) is your roadmap from registration to award.