Business plans for 2020

2020 Vision for Your Business in the New Year

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!  With the new year comes the strategic planning to grow your business in 2020 (not only the start of a new decade but also a number that represents clarity of vision).…
Bill of Rights Day

Bill of Rights Day

December 15th is known as ‘Bill of Rights Day’ commemorating the ratification of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. This year we celebrate the 230th anniversary of the Bill of Rights, which provide the basis for the individual freedoms…
National Guard Birthday

National Guard Celebrates 383rd Birthday

Established in 1636, December 13th marks the 383rd birthday of the U.S. National Guard. The National Guard is the oldest military organization in America, and its members serve during times of war and national emergency. Its mission is to equip,…
Pearl Harbor Day

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Each year on Dec. 7, the nation remembers Pearl Harbor Day and honors the 2,403 service members and civilians who were killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  A further 1,178 people were injured in the attack,… logo Has Moved to

In November the federal government transitioned into a more centralized system under the domain name (subsection ‘Contract Opportunities’).  The General Services Administration (‘GSA’) manages federal acquisition…