GSA Consolidates 24 Multiple Award Schedules to Single Schedule
The U.S. General Services Administration (“GSA”) merged the 24 Multiple Awards Schedules (“MAS”) into a single schedule with its consolidated schedule solicitation. The new consolidated schedule solicitation is intended to simplify the acquisition process and make it easier for government buyers to find and purchase solutions they need to meet their missions.
GSA will transition all existing GSA Schedule Holders from their legacy Special Item Number(s), (“SIN(s)”) to the new MAS solicitation SINs. Once this transition occurs, GSA Schedule Holders will be required to update their GSA Catalog and Text File (Terms and Conditions).

The new solicitation modernizes federal acquisition by consolidating and streamlining the existing 24 MAS into a single schedule for products, services, and solutions. MAS Consolidation is one of the four cornerstone initiatives of the Federal Marketplace Strategy, GSA’s plan to modernize and simplify the government buying and selling experience for customers, suppliers, and acquisition professionals.
The new single MAS solicitation is organized by large categories and subcategories. Specifically, the consolidated solicitation features a simplified format, streamlined terms and conditions, and new categories and SINs. This new format will make it easier for contractors to offer products, services, and solutions, and for agency partners to find them. This will present a total solution for agencies, who would have before had to consider multiple vendors or have to go through multiple contracts to fulfill one requirement.
The SIN descriptions were rewritten by GSA for clarity and to eliminate duplicate SINs. GSA consolidated existing SINs from more than 900 to approximately 300 to ensure the new SINs better align with the North American Industry Classification System (“NAICS”) codes.
GSA’s mission is to modernize and simplify the government buying and selling experience for customers, suppliers, and acquisition professionals.
Beginning in January 2020, GSA will issue a Mass Modification to all current GSA Schedule Holders to align the terms and conditions of their contracts with those of the new consolidated single MAS schedule. FedBiz can help you navigate this new Mass Mod, as well as provide annual GSA Contract Management services to keep your GSA Schedule current and compliant.